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Title IX

Title IX is a federal law that prohibits gender based discrimination. More information can be found following this link: USDOE OCR. Title IX protections apply to staff and students in our EG community. Regulations issued by the federal government detail what qualifies as harassment or discrimination and how schools must respond. Gender based discrimination behaviors could include sexual misconduct, dating abuse or violence, and gender identity harassment. EG also has a specific policy that prohibits gender based discrimination Board Docs.

General Reporting Statement & Title IX Coordinator

Complaints or reports alleging sexual assault, sexual harassment, dating violence, stalking or gender discrimination, including sexual orientation or gender identity, involving an EG student, employee or person affiliated with EG should be immediately reported to the Title IX Coordinators.

Complaints or reports may be made anonymously, but no disciplinary action will be taken against an alleged aggressor solely on the basis of an anonymous report.


Dawn Hostetter

Titles: Program Director

Eric Kirkendall

Titles: High School Principal